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What to Do When You Lose Your Transponder Key

You may never think it will happen to you until it does. Losing a key of any kind can be an anxiety-provoking mistake. Losing a transponder key for your vehicle can be an even bigger annoyance. If you own a vehicle that uses a transponder key, it won’t operate without that key or an exact replacement present. So what do you do when you lose your original transponder key? Read on to learn the process you should go through, along with some helpful information about transponder keys. If you’ve lost your transponder key or it has been stolen, count on a professional locksmith company such as Stamford Locksmith Pro to assist you in making a new copy of your key or changing your locks altogether.

What is a Transponder Key?

You may have heard of a transponder key (also known as a transponder chip key) before and may have one for your car, but might not be quite sure about what exactly it is. A transponder key represents a specific period of time in automotive anti-theft security. Inside of the fob of a transponder key is a small chip embedded with a particular code. When inserted into your ignition lock, the key sends a signal through a series of wires to the car’s engine. If the code sent by the key matches the one from the engine, the vehicle will start up. If not, the vehicle will refuse to start. At the time of their innovation, transponder chip keys were considered cutting edge technology and still provide a fairly strong level of automotive security.

Although they have been phased out for keyless systems and push button starters on newer vehicles, there are many cars on the road today in Stamford, CT, as well as around the country, with transponder chip key systems. If you’ve lost your vehicle’s key, make sure that you have a transponder key before proceeding and that your key is not a different type. Transponder keys are often paired with remotes that have buttons to lock and unlock the doors and the trunk.

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Potential Problems with Transponder Keys

It’s best to take preventative measures to avoid problems with your transponder key and ignition lock. Professional locksmiths always recommend having a spare key made for your car key, even if it requires a little bit of money up front to program correctly. That’s because it can save you a major hassle and additional fees in the future by preventing you from getting locked out of your vehicle. If you’ve already lost your transponder key and don’t have a spare, never fear. Once the situation is resolved, be sure to use it as a learning experience and have a new key crafted to prevent a reoccurrence in the future.

Everyone has a moment at one point where they think they’ve lost their keys or car key fob. Luckily, most of the time you find them in the last place you look. Sometimes, however, you truly have lost your car keys or had your key stolen from you. If that’s the case, it will need to be replaced for you to regain access to your vehicle.

That’s not the only problem that can occur with transponder keys, however. One of the most basic problems is your transponder key getting bent or warped over time with frequent use, leading to it getting stuck in your car door lock or ignition lock. The metal teeth on the edge of the key that are used to fit the specific wafers inside of the lock may no longer fit correctly, and the key may become lodged inside.

Another problem that can occur is if the programmable chip inside of the transponder key stops communicating with your car’s engine. While this problem is rare, as vehicles with transponder keys age, it becomes more frequently reported. This will require the old key being reprogrammed to match the engine code again, usually by a locksmith, or possibly necessitate a complete replacement of the original key.

What to Do When Your Transponder Key is Lost

The first thing to do if you believe you have lost your transponder car key is to retrace your steps and search every area that you were previously in to determine whether or not you lost your key there and if anyone found it. Sometimes that’s all it takes and you’ll have your keys back in your hands. If you have checked everywhere and are sure that your transponder key is lost, the next most important thing to do is to calm down. Even if you’re at a location in Stamford, CT that is away from home, these situations can be resolved fairly easily if you choose a reputable locksmith company such as Stamford Locksmith Pro. So there’s no reason to become anxious or worry. Put in a call to a locksmith company and wait for their assistance. The right professional locksmith company will be able to duplicate your transponder chip key fairly easily and affordably to have you back inside your vehicle and on the road.

If you’ve lost or misplaced your transponder chip key and need immediate assistance, rely on a professional locksmith company to get the job done right. Make sure you have a spare key made so you can turn the experience into a valuable one.

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